quotes picture cover photo wallpaper prayer about patience and life problem.
It's hard maintaining your patience at times, but remember that Allah always has a plan and you're not going through a trial without a reason.

The Prophet said: “The greatest reward comes with the greatest trial. When Allah loves a people He tests them. Whoever accepts that wins His pleasure but whoever is discontent with that earns His wrath.” [At-Tirmithi]

Always believe in Allah (swt) and all the impossible will turn to possible.In Shaa Allah.Ameen.

PATIENCE is key to success. Allah has set a measure for all things. With patience and trust in Allah's Wisdom, everything will come together at the right time in the best possible way. Alhamdulillah.

Indeed, if Allah swt is strength nobody defeat us ALLAH is the best sustained of the world. Allah Almightily is my strength and the reason behind our every single breath in tough times Alhamduillah. Definitely when Allah Almighty stand for us and no one can stand against with us.

Namal Shah

Namal Shah is Islamic Nayyab Girl , who love Islam and love to post Islamic Things and want to share islamic knowledge with every one so that Islam blessing reach to maximum people and every one enlight with islamic Knowledge.

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