Amazing nails information about human body Allah creation its sign and reminder for us to recognize raise our imaan.
Allah, May He be glorified, creator of this world, has created our nails with total perfection. Check out your nails right away and see the signs of Allah in them. 
If the nails were hard like the bones, then they'd harm our skin once we scratch. At an equivalent time, the nails aren't therefore soft that we won't get eliminate the restless feeling once we scratch. Allah has created the nail in such some way that it does not harm our skin once we scratch and at an equivalent time created it laborious enough to induce eliminate the restless feeling. Subhan Allah!
Final Words
So human body is creation of Allah we can recognize Allah blessing on us. We are human .Thanks Allah for each and every thing. Body part of Nails and the position of nails are at the edge of hands fingers and feet fingers so it make our finger tips strong. Useful information of Human body according to Islam. The people who are looking for peace and want to know more about Allah must read Quran and our purpose of this Islamic site is to share Islamic knowledge so we can daily remind you about Allah.

Namal Shah

Namal Shah is Islamic Nayyab Girl , who love Islam and love to post Islamic Things and want to share islamic knowledge with every one so that Islam blessing reach to maximum people and every one enlight with islamic Knowledge.

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