Free hd download cover size photos with quotes, short Quran verses for your timeline.
Asslamualikum sisters and brothers our site islamicmsg purpose is to share Islamic knowledge with all of you. So the means of sharing Islamic knowledge may be in many form likes picture, reading articles, videos etc.
So in this post we are sharing new amazing Islamic HD face cover photos with you. These covers picture and design by our self. Life quotes, guide, path to Allah, heaven goal. Follow these lines you will surely have a grateful Islamic life.


Alhamdulilah. He takes but replaces with things even better than you can IMAGINE.

Allah can turn the darkness of your life into happiness

If Allah can turn night into day, then surely Allah can turn the darkness of your life into happiness and prosperity. Trust him.

Allah is the best Comforter

When you need someone to comfort you, remember that Allah is near and Allah is the best Comforter.



Allah loves you very much

If you are obedient to Allah but still find yourself surrounded by trials, then know that Allah loves you very much.

Allah with you all the time

Why worry when have Allah with you all the time?




Alhamdulillah for all the trials we face that help us to improve our link with Allah, and help us to become better and stronger individuals!

Be grateful

For what you have, and don't take any of it for granted .Be grateful.

confess our sins to anyone, only repent

Is not it amazing that Allah doesn’t require us to confess our sins to anyone, only repent.
Cover up my defects

 O Allah! Cover up my defects, and change my fear into peace! Aameen! 

Khana kaba Cover Photo

Khana Kaba Cover Photo

Lord increase me in Knowledge

Say My Lord increase me in Knowledge. Quran

Love the Quran, Loves Allah

Whoever Love the Quran, Loves Allah.

May Allah solve our problems

May Allah solve our problems! Aameen!

Never let your salah be mindless routine

Never let your salah be mindless routine. Pray to reflect, to review, and more importantly to REMEMBER.


Don’t cry for your loss. Allah will not take anything from a believer without replacing it with something.

O Allah honour me with obedience

O Allah honour me with obedience to you and don’t humiliate me with disobedience to you.

O Allah make e among those who repent

O Allah make e among those who repent and make me among those who purity themselves.

our LO R D

Nothing in life can be achieved without having a ONE-ON-ONE conversation with our LO R D.


My Lord! Have mercy on them both as they did care for me when I was little.

people of Jannah.

The real winners are the people of Jannah. May Allah make us from amongst them Ameen.

put your trust in Allah

Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah.


No matter how pretty your face is, you will still be the food of worms. So set aside your arrogance and REMEMBER YOUR GRAVE.

The worst person before Allah

The worst person before Allah will be the one who killed those who did not fight him.

They forget that Allah is always for us

People say, I want someone to be there for me. They forget that Allah is always for us.“He is with you (by His Knowledge) wherever you are.”

Whoever put their trust in Allah, then He will suffice him

Whoever put their trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Quran

you were dead and he gave you life. Quran

How can you disbelieve in God? Seeing that you were dead and he gave you life. Quran.

Namal Shah

Namal Shah is Islamic Nayyab Girl , who love Islam and love to post Islamic Things and want to share islamic knowledge with every one so that Islam blessing reach to maximum people and every one enlight with islamic Knowledge.

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