Islamic History documentary detail of Hijaz Museum picture wallpaper with cover photo for timeline.
The rear of the Hijaz Railway Station Museum
The Hijaz railway station was transformed into a Museum that Exhibits:
The Museum consists of 14 halls displaying Al Madina heritage from prehistoric times until the present, as follows: - Museum Lobby
- Al Madina environment, history and nature
- Al Madina in Prophetic era
- Prophet Mohammed’s wives, his sons and daughters
- Mohajreen (migrants)
- Ansar (supporters)


- Prophetic Mosque
- Al Madina in the reigns of Caliphs
- Al Madina in the reign of First Saudi State
- Al Madina in the reign of Second Saudi State
- Al Madina in the reign of King Abdul Aziz
- Al Madina Heritage

🚃Visiting hours:
- Saturday to Thursday: 09:00 AM to 09:00 PM

- Friday: 05:00 PM to 09:00 PM

Namal Shah

Namal Shah is Islamic Nayyab Girl , who love Islam and love to post Islamic Things and want to share islamic knowledge with every one so that Islam blessing reach to maximum people and every one enlight with islamic Knowledge.

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