touching khana kaba wall baby in makkah girl in allah home child in makkah performing umrah umrah kids children umrah video crying kissing kaba wall
Performing hajj or ummrah is every Muslim wish. Every Muslim (boy or girl) who has the resources must visit to Makkah to perform the Hajj minimum once in his or her lifetime. Allah is most merciful once he start blessing to someone than no one can stop his blessing to that person. Here we sharing some little Islamic picture of Allah blessing to these Islamic children who are so much lucky, have no idea they touching khana kaba wall.
Security guard helping a little 2 year boy to kiss to wall of Allah home.
2year child makkah
shy girl baby makkah

Allah forgive
Powerful message: a little boy cover his eyes with hands while crying praying to Allah
baby crying holy kaba
Father holding his son while son rise his hands for pray touching kaba wall.
baby praying makkah
Cute Boy and girl in Hijab 

little boy in haram
Happiness is Touching Allah home Wall
lucky baby close to Allah
Mother holding his little baby to help him to reach to Holy Kaba wall
mother with baby
Performing Ummarh with kids 
my first touch to kaba

Little girl with smiley face looking happy while sitting in haram shareef.

smile sunnah children



Namal Shah

Namal Shah is Islamic Nayyab Girl , who love Islam and love to post Islamic Things and want to share islamic knowledge with every one so that Islam blessing reach to maximum people and every one enlight with islamic Knowledge.

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